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Old 12-08-2014, 05:55 AM
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Default New future reefer!

So RODI and reef salt only.. Don't over feed. And I should be good?! Excellent!

I have 2x koralia evolution 425gph powerheads from a previous freshwater tank however I think 1 along with the aqua clear hob should be plenty for a 12g tank (hopefully not to much!)

I bought a bag of live sand and will be getting live rock in a few weeks when another reefer gets back into town. That should make a pretty quick cycle. I'll probably let the tank age for a few weeks before I add any fish or shrimp... Am I fairly safe to add se corals right away?

My only other quest is finding a hidden heater. I have heard of some putting them in the hang on back filters if I can find a short one

For corals is there any recommend ones that aren't to sensitive and have lots of vibrant colors with led's?
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