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Old 12-08-2014, 02:26 AM
Sencha Sencha is offline
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Default Saltwater/Freshwater Supplies. $100 for all

A nice assortment, much of which will work for either slat or freshwater tanks.

In no particular order:

1. Two Jager heaters (1 x 50 watt and 1 x 150 watt)
2. 20 kg brand new Reefers Best Coaral Reef salt
3. Two Maxi-jet 1200
4. Vertex portable refractometer
5. Power center - Caralife Aqualight
6. Coralife mini aqua light
7. Eheim battery powered sand cleaner
8. One 30 lb bag (brand new) Carib Sea Aragonite Select sand
9. Zeo carbon (unopened) 1000 ml
10. Misc. nets, suction hoses, glass scrapers, etc.

Pick up in Marda Loop area.
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