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Old 12-06-2014, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer View Post
well like most builds in the world - it didn't turn out quite as I had imagined, however all cosmetic things can be done later.

Here are a few pictures:

of course the camera doesn't do it any justice - ah well, I'm happy with it
Nice work. I kind of like the slim, industrial look of the fixture. Besides, the main thing at the moment is determining if the light output, spectrum & look of the tank, livestock, live rock etc. are what you intended. And you are happy with it, so it's all good.

On the subject of photos, not sure why they are showing only as links instead of displaying directly in your post. I tried copying your links & embedding them using the picture function but didn't work either. Could be some security settings in your Dropbox host account. I have a Dropbox account but generally use Windows Live Drive & more recently Google+ for displaying photos in forum posts. Anyhow, below is a photo from my Dropbox account, had to give it a try to see if it works for me.

.... and evidently, it does not!
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