Originally Posted by Coralgurl
"He" was previously displaying typical Clarkii submissive behaviour to her up until this week.
The females will have dominance struggles as well. Something could have clicked in the larger one and now she wants to start a family.

LoL This could be why she would suddenly attack the other fish. Sometimes it's just a size issue too.
I have personally seen 8" clarkii and blue stripe clowns. When you purchase mated pairs from Vanuatu or Fiji the female is usually 6"-8" while the smaller male could only be 3"-4".
Originally Posted by Coralgurl
Re: feeding tank mates to their anenomes - REALLY??????? I did not know this.
Yes, I have seen it in person and on video.
Originally Posted by Coralgurl
The weird thing is, she is sharing the "new" nem with my occ clown
The new nem could be the occelaris's territory but the occelaris is not going to mess with a big Clarkii. Reverse the roles and she would attack the occ to drive it off, as you have observed. Sometimes clowns will share anemones with other fishes. ie juv Damsels and juv wrasses.