Originally Posted by Amadod2
So I think I have hair algae in my tank, the reason I think I do and I'm not certain is because it doesn't look like normal hair algae, it's only 3-5mm long and it's corse and some of it is red. All my levels there are good, and I have no idea how to get rid of it. This so called hair algae appeared this summer in my tank when I had a summer crash and a regular hair algae bloom.
Any experience with this out there? What can I get as fish or dose???
Besides all the help you may get ...
You really don't want to try to correct the issue by adding critters
I've been battling GHA since June and I'll tell ya, you need to remove the nutrients from your tank
If you get critters to eat it, all you're doing is creating a cycle where you'll have ones that eat it and poop the nutrients back into the water for the GHA to keep feeding on
Manual removal and nutrient control is your best option
If it's just a small outbreak ...
Not long after my tank was new I had a nasty outbreak
I ran a Rena canister filter while scrubbing the rocks and was successful (with my return pump off)
But this was not GHA. Rather it was some brownish gunk
Anyway, if you want to go balistic on it, get a canister filter and scrub the bejeezus out of your LR
Filter out ALL the spores
You can do this for days until it's under control