Originally Posted by FishinGoalie
I can't help you with what i think the problem is but i do have an empty tank that i am not using with a filter and heater if you want to borrow it i can also lend you some live rock as i probably have over 300lbs of it hehe 
Thanks Hayden, I have a small 10gl tank I could set up if needed and extra rock in my sump.
Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap
Similar thing happened to my Maroon clown pair after years and years of marriage. The female turned on the male and attacked him until he hid in a corner. I put him in the sump but he did not survive.
I don't know if it's the female's response to no offspring after a while, or the female senses the male is in poor health so she kicks him out. Nature taking its course one way or another.
While I haven't seen any real direct aggression from my female towards the male, I am suspecting she's the issue. This morning, she was all nicely nestled in his anemone, she has her own, but it moved and she may not be happy with it. They are not paired, but when she swims over to his of the tank, he does this shaky dance (twitching) and stops when she moves away, but she's never nipped at him (as far as I know).
I thought for sure he was going to be dead this morning, but he's still hiding on the side of the tank. I distracted the other fish and tried direct feeding him, but he wouldn't touch the food.
I bought this guy as a baby, he was less than an inch big when I got him. He has black coloring on his tailfin, and he was a little beat up in the tank, so he was the one I picked. He's now like 4-5" and a sweetheart (for a clown...lol).