Old thread revival! I'm totally in on this fun!
I had one too. He was in my Biocube. He was awesome. He was way cooler than the other fishes and was so rare that none of the other fishes had ever heard of him - an aquatic hipster if you will.
He was majestic. In fact, so majestic he felt that he should rule skies as well as the sea, and being a fish hipster he felt he was too cool for the water because everyone else was doing it... so one day he took off for open air, a flying streak of brilliant red light like one of Zeus' lightning bolts thrown from heaven. He flew through the air with all the majesty of a bald eagle!
...Then SPLAT! he crashed right into the fish guard I had put in place to prevent his escape into the dark, pump impeller-infested waters of the dreaded rear chamber. But, like I said, this fish was majestic... so majestic that through sheer will he rejected the notion of returning to his former life in the water and instead levitated like a fishy reverse-Jesus who could walk on air instead of water (read: stuck to the fish guard employed specifically to prevent his untimely demise)...
...and there he remained plastered to the fish guard, his holy body slime keeping him firmly secured in a cruciform position several inches above the water where... he sadly died a slow, ironic death like the fish-hipster he was...
RIP, you beautiful bastard