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Old 11-30-2014, 05:09 PM
DSlater DSlater is offline
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Not that I would discourage this practice, but I thought the same thing and 3+ years in my tank still has PO4 issues if I don't have massive amounts of money burning in a gfo reactor, er, I mean, if I don't have massive amounts of GFO being replaced every couple of weeks.

I would instead encourage a healthy mixture of rock-that-hasn't-been-dried-for-too-long in the tank as well.

Think I'm in the same boat. Started with a huge amount of dead rock that had a good acid bath and bleach bath. Added some live rock from a local tank and soaked it in the garage all together for 4 to 6 weeks, skimmer, power heads, and a bit of light.
Now the tank is about 1.5 years in and I'm still leaching PO4. Other than pulling the rock out and replacing, are there any other options?
Really don't want to replace rock but don't want to be fighting this in another couple years as well...

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