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Old 11-27-2014, 04:11 PM
Masonjames Masonjames is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 105
Masonjames is on a distinguished road

If you are having to clean algae from the glass daily then you have far to many freely available nutrients in your water column. Algae that grows on the glass cannot access nutrients other then those available from the water column. Despite what your test kits say, you got way more available nutrients then I assume you want to have. Your exports are not nearly sufficant if you are having to clean the glass daily. No matter sun bathed or not.

I would evalute your system and your husbandry practices and determine where and why exports/system processing are insufficient. And I'm not implying imports and exports simply by feedings or water changes, but as the entire system as a whole. Bioload, calcium carbonate structures, equipment, your own habbits and practices. You got to much extra so you are going to have to determine how to reduce those extras and keep them reduced. Your husbandry practices being the first to explore.
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