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Old 10-01-2004, 11:20 PM
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BlkWolfe BlkWolfe is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 254
BlkWolfe is on a distinguished road


Calgary isnt really too far outta the way for us. Not too much extra travel time over taking the Kokahala. Be a chance to meet some of the reefers in calgary plus if we get enough, itll knock the price of rock down for everybody

I was actually thinking of using somebodies garage if they didnt mind. Maybe as a meeting place for everybody to pick up their parts? while the rock packs are undone can refill everything with warm water in ziplocks again for the night/next day

only if your up for it of course

BioCube 29, Nanotuners 150w hqi/pc refit, LED refugium, MCE600, Tunze 6025.
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