well 14 years ago it was about 50/gal average, so it is probably gone up a bit.
I think what we have to remember is replacing what you have is cheaper than building what you have the first time. when I built my 90 gal I spent over 15000.00 but I could easily have built that result for under 8000.00
this is because over the year you are building your tank, you buy this, then decide you don't like it so you buy something else, and so. corals die so you replace them, same as fish.
if you have a set up your happy with you can just spend money on what worked, instead of the experimentation, you also have the opportunity to look at that 2000.00 buck skimmer and say did it really work much better than the 800.00 buck one I had. I think personally if your not sure what you want and just start making something it could easily cost 100.00/gal and up, but if you know what you want and are smart about it you could build it for much less than that, say 50 to 70/gal.
also note the price per gal is about as useless as a watts/gal as the tank gets bigger a similar set up system will get cheaper/gal
 *everything said above is just my opinion, and may or may not reflect the views of this BBS, its Operators, and its Members. If cornered on any “opinion” I post I will totally deny having ever said this in a Court of Law…Unless I am the right one*
Some strive to be perfect.... I just strive.