Originally Posted by Skimmin
Ok so are you saying to put it in a bleach/water mixture for a minute or two then rinse it off and let it dry? And then once its dry put it in the acid/water solution for a minute or two and rinse and dry again. And then into the tank?
You can bleach it as long as you want really. I'd just let it soak in a bleach water solution overnight. Rinse it really well. Let it dry and then move to acid.
The lenght of the acid treatment and strength is going to be dependant on the rock you have. Very soft, light acid for short time. Very dense stronger acid for longer time. If you are uncomfortable trying it out for the first time just take a few small pieces of rock and test the process out before you commit to doing the lot.
To be safe I'd just start with a 10 to 1 ratio (water to acid) and test for 10 min or so. You don't want to eat away half the rock so start low and less time exposed and up either one and/ or the other depeding on your findings.
Some rocks I have done multiple treatments using 100% acid solution, while others can only take very little acid and exposure. Just start with less. If you thik you need more after that increase.
Just make sure to add acid to water, and take precautions for your own safety. Don't breath in the fumes protect your skin and eyes etc.
you don't need to nutrilize as the rock will automatically do that for you. Just be sure to rinse every nook and cranny really really well. After yes, it can go directly into tank. Or you can let it dry, or soak it, whatever you want to do with it. But as long as its rinsed well it can be ready immediatly for tank.