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Old 10-01-2004, 08:49 PM
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BlkWolfe BlkWolfe is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 254
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Default Rock/Sand/Salt Order

Hey everybody

anybody that hasnt been following in the Edmonton forum, we're making a run out to calgary for a load of LR to set up a new reef

We're about 120lbs short of hitting Figi for 3.99lb. Im up for picking up LR, substrates, and salt buckets and making a pit stop in calgary to help load up on some more rock and drop the price down as low as we can get it

info is here...

so anybody from cowtown that wants in on this, please read the thread over in the edmonton forum, follow the instructions, and if your ordering just leave me a post in THIS thread so i can keep track of what im bringing back to calgary


BioCube 29, Nanotuners 150w hqi/pc refit, LED refugium, MCE600, Tunze 6025.
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