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Old 11-25-2014, 01:32 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB
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reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap View Post
Biopellets = flavour of the week a few years ago. I have read enough tales of disaster with biopellets. Might work for some, too complicated and expensive for me.

The combination of skimmer + fuge has worked well for years for many including myself. Multiple benefits of a system like this. Low to no cost. Less potential for disaster. Pods = extra benefit.

To keep a reef long term you need a low maintenance low-worry solution. Due to extreme workload I have not even looked in my bucket fuge for several months. A couple of days ago removed a huge clump (1/2) of the chaeto. Takes care of itself.

Anyway just my opinion.

Macro algae= poor form of nutrient export

Bacteria = efficient form of nutrient export

Biopellets is just another form of carbon dosing for any one to say its a flavor of the month obviously do not understand how it works , or hasnt been Around since that month's not a magical plastic that can turn on you in a heart beat its a biological process involving bacteria and with a little chemistry is easily maintained

Some of the greatest reef minds in the world acknowledge bacteria as
THE most important part of a ecosystem , so why wouldn't anyone want to expand their knowledge on what they can do and put them to work?

It's hard......actually no it's not lol set up a doser and follow a routine it's actually pretty easy and there's no guess work unlike growing algae or putting your hopes into a skimmer alone (I assume you read the skimmer thread right as it also happened in that month)

A successful reef can happen many ways but there is always room for improvement

We advance in this hobby year after year and while some people will tell you the earth is flat and to just take their word for it can go out and find the facts your self and maybe you'll discover the world isn't so flat after all
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