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Old 11-25-2014, 12:21 AM
rickwaines rickwaines is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 53
rickwaines is on a distinguished road
Default Elos Midi Apex Neptune and Radion xr30 plus. Vancouver

I have a two year old high end system that I must part with.

Elos Midi

the midi comes with skimmer and return see link for details

Apex Neptune

the apex includes two energy bar 8's, breakout box, probes, etc.

Radion XR 30w

also included two tunze pumps, one variable speed, one not.

and three shlobster 1.1 dosing pumps.

two little fishies reactor

aaand a 3 stage RO water purification system.

over 4,000.00 dollars worth of gear for 2,000.00 dollars. firm.

All equipment in excellent shape.

Regarding parting out: not parting out at this time.

If you would like to see the tank and it's components I would recommend coming by. PM me to set up a time.
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