Keep the offers coming... I been picking up so many these couple weeks!! Thanks to everyone.
Here is what I still want:
Aussie Octospawn/Hammer --> 3-4 heads
Purple Torch --> 3-4 heads
Gold Torch - this can be a frag
Green Bubble
Orange Plate
Acans - different colors prefer at least 4-5 heads. --> Specifically looking for pink/blues/yellows. NO purple or reds/oranges
Soft Corals --> has to be mounted on some small rubble:
Ricordias - MAINLY Blue/Purples, but orange/green if the price is right. I got many of these, but don't mind buying more since rics are my favorite coral.
Red mushroom
SPS --> These ones I m looking for small colonies not frags or huge $$ pieces (multi branches to small fist size):
Red Milli
Yellow Greenish Milli
Red Planet
Green Slimer
Purple Bonsai - Branching Kind
Forest Fire Digi
Blue Acro of some sort
Or any SPS small colonies you wish to sell for cheap that you want to get rid of in your tank. I will see if I like. I don't know much about the 'names' or prices of SPS.
I am not looking for rarity of the corals, but more for colors for my tank.