Originally Posted by randallino
Mg 1325
Ca 425
Close enough for now
If you like, get your Mag up a bit to make things easier
It'll help you balance the other 2
1350 is a good target ...
Originally Posted by randallino
Yes I just don't want it dropping below 8 dkh
7 to 8 is OK. Mine has dipped below 7 sometimes (6.9 and user error) without ill effects, but I'm testing all the time so I caught and corrected it
I've also had mine go above 9.5, although I wasn't happy about it, and neither was my Hyacinth. Burnt tips and weeks to recover
Don't worry about Exact #s, but getting them balanced is important to start with. And making small changes is very important

Alk 7-8 is good
Ca 410-420 is ideal - 450-470 is high but OK for a short while. As low as 380 is usable for a short while. This is the low end of your Mag balance (below 1200)
Mag 1350 is ideal - 1300-1500 or higher can work. Your Mag level divided by 3.25 is roughly where you Ca should be
Mag needs to be in the proper range for your Alk and Ca dosing to be stable
If your Mag is low, you won't be able to stabilize the others
So, if your Mag is 1350/3=415 Ca
Just a rough starting point
Test, dose, test, test and test some more