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Old 11-20-2014, 12:43 AM
hillegom hillegom is online now
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Surrey
Posts: 1,996
hillegom is on a distinguished road

About the bristle worms. I think you should keep some, but you really don't have a choice. Unless you kill everything on the LR, there will always be some in the nooks and crannies.
If you want to decrease the population, there is a way.
Take a piece of an old nylon from your wife and put some food into it. Like maybe a 6mmx6mm piece of shrimp, anything really.Tie it up. Leave it in the QT tank overnight. The bristle worms will get stuck in the fine weave of the nylon. Just take the whole thing and chuck it in the morning.
Repeat as often as you wish.
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