Originally Posted by SaltyDog143
Thanks for the replies guys...
My ultimate goal for my quarantine tank....to hold the anenome and fish until its good/safe to move over to the display tank, nothing more. Just needed somewhere to put them while I was trying to get the tank and rocks setup.
As for bristle worms, I know I am not going to kill them all, just trying to reduce the numbers, when I turned one rock over it was almost orange there were so many.
So when would you guys move the stuff from quarantine to the display? should I wait maybe a week to see what happens? or should I be ok to do it now?
There are lots of fish that will keep bristle worm numbers under control, I would go this route. Don't move everything over until your parameters are good, there is really no set time
Originally Posted by ponokareefer
I would make sure all the Majona's are gone for at least a month in the quarantine tank before putting it into the display. You will never get rid of them once they are in the display and will be a constant headache. You may need to kill everything on the rock to make sure they are fully gone. I'm afraid you are probably stuck with dead rock.
That might be a little excessive, there are lots of ways to kill these without having to fully kill and recycle