Originally Posted by Aquattro
Yup, always a problem I think. I replaced my pump with a Laguna block for cheap and away I go 
That's the trick. Just find a pump that fits and matches flow rate and you're golden. I never buy the branded skimmer pump as a replacement. For example, the Vertex IN series use rebranded Resun pumps and them puppies are CHEAP to replace!

I own about 8 or maybe 10 skimmers and I have a plethora of random pumps hanging out waiting to be used. I hate throwing things into the landfill, so I replace pumps when they die. I have some OLD skimmer bodies. Interestingly, I haven't had a Sicce pump die, and a couple of my Vertex IN skimmers still have original pumps. What I hate is when I drop a skimmer cup...