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Old 11-15-2014, 11:07 PM
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fishyfolks fishyfolks is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Originally Posted by hillegom View Post
You have so many. Take one out and dissect it.
Are they hard, soft, liquid inside?
So, I took one out a dissected it. It was pretty stuck to the power head but when I gave it a good tug it came right off. When I cut into it, it was just kinda full of snot. Haha. It was just clear thin gelatinous grossness. I don't think that helped at all with my ID though.

Anyone else have any other ideas. Since they all kind of showed up within a week or so, I'm worried they're something harmful.

Thanks again.
175 Gallon Tank, 33 Gallon Sump, 2 x AI COLOR SOL, Leather corals, colts corals, several brain corals, misc frogspawn, misc sps corals, purple tang, yellow tang, naso tang, hippo tang, 4 clown fish, 5 clams and many many inverts
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