I have just become entirely to caught up in life, work and family and in light of Jebao releasing a controller I will be selling off my current stock of DIY supplies for someone with more available time. I have enough here for 11 double harness cables.
I am happy to sell as a pack for $85 plus shipping to your area. Includes 22 - 3 pin connectors, 22 - DC leads, 44 - 1kohm resistors. Also will separate as a kit, $10 per DIY kit plus which ever shipping option. A kit will include 2 - 3 pin harnesses, 2 - DC leads, 4 - 1kohm resistors. The only things missing are ethernet cables, most people have these laying around or can be picked up at a local dollar store, and heatshrink. You do not need heatshrink, electrical tape will suffice. My DIY is all over the net on how to do it yourself. I am also happy to help anyone with questions.
All supplies: