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Old 11-14-2014, 01:29 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 6,186
reefwars will become famous soon enough

Originally Posted by swenthusiast View Post
Thanks guys!

What are your opinions on JBJ vs Nuvo vs RSM? Which one is best for lighting, quality and more importantly, the quitest?

After researching RSM I see that they released the C series this year.. Is the C-130 a huge improvement over the 130-D?

Given the fact that the C-130 just came out I guess my chances of finding used are minimal at best.. So I'll probably look at buying new if I decide to go with the RSM C series.. $$$

Unfortunately I will be working on Boxing Day this year so I won't have the luxury (or misfortune in this cold!) to line up outside a LFS to get a tank. Has anyone ever bought a tank of this size online or would a physical pickup at a LFS be the best deal?
If you swing by concept aquariums and talk to me (Denny) I can design you a red sea style tank with much better equipment , more automation and better function for a fraction of the new redsea tanks price tag .

You can design each aspect And you won't need to upgrade the equipment or have to add equipment .

Shoot me an email if you wish at or swing by the shop (were in ne Calgary)



Concept aquariums
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