I guess I haven't updated since May. Not sure if guys even read these but will update for my own records I guess.
Well I had to go to CN Academy in Winnipeg for a month so all tank duties were left for my wife and she did a great job.
So home for 2 weeks and we left for 5 days for a family emergency. Well a relative looked after my tank (same one that scratched up my old half circle).
I walked in the house to see air bubbles coming from my returns. Not his fault as ATO was stuck. Come feeding time no orange shoulder tang, no red fairy wrasse and 2 missing yellow headed gobies.
Also noticed that mesh screen is full of gross gunk. Apparently he was too lazy to lift off the feeding door I built to dump food in.
Well now I'm ****ed so figured I'd start to dismantle. First thing I did was take my frag tank down. Too bad as it was jammed packed but in PG you can't sell a frag for $10 that'll sell in Lower Mainland for $50. I only seem to get hits when something is up for free. So in the trash they went. I beleive in payin it forward but I guess it's not the case in this hobby.
After a couple of days and several Corona I've had a change of heart. Plus reading bout the Maxspect Gyre has me intrigued.
Well sorry for the rant.
But hey the tanks looking good other than a few hundred dollars of fish gone