What are you using as a carbon source and how much are you dosing Currently?
If you want to play it safe You can start from scratch if you like or cut your dose in half and check the numbers after a week of rock being in ,your no3 numbers will give you an idea if you need to raise or lower the dosage , the small amount of load the fish provide can be replicated using foods or supplements such as amino acids if need be.
Worse case scenario you'll end up with a bacterial bloom if you dose too much and with no fish shouldn't be any harm with o2 levels , after the bloom simply cut your dose back.
If it were me I would continue on with your carbn dosing as your doing and once you hit zero for nitrates cut your dose back to find your maintenance dose With no fish , when fish get added start to rise again slowly week by week then cut down again to find the maintenance dose again with fish.
Keep an eye out for a whitish film on the glass as a hint if it's getting used to far