The waiting is driving me absolutely insane... I'm still trying to find the best way to Frag my one rock of zoa's it is a large man made rock so... solid concrete in the past breaking them up has involved a hammer and a cold chisel... not sure how the zoa's will feel about that. The more i look at them though the more i want to frag them up place a few of my favorites around the tank and find new homes for the rest. This weekend I will be seeing what i can do with the small storage/fish room about fitting in a frag tank. I'm thinking best option might be under the stand, just not super nice for working in. and if i have time look at a suspension system to lift the lights a bit and see how tank does with existing fixtures lifted.
I am wary of running open top tank being paranoid about things jumping, and i will also need to keep an eye on humidity levels as realistically there is going to be significantly more evaporation.
Anyway this update is more just to track the thought process as I work on the tank.
Happy Weekend