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Old 11-07-2014, 07:45 AM
Skim Skim is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Brantford,ON.Canada
Posts: 43
Skim is on a distinguished road

My bio load I don't think is much, I have a Naso about 6" and 2 Perc's and File fish about 3", Scopas Tang 4 to 5", Sand sifting yellow head Goby about 5" a Sea Cucumber, Serpent star, little Goby mate for Shrimp and couple peppermint and Cleaner Shrimp.

The 9 is great skimmer but its big I was surprised when the box came. Like I said the cup neck is 6" and the cup is 8", I could put the Omega inside the Curve 9. I have heard and read that the 7 and 5 are vary quiet.
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