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Old 11-01-2014, 02:51 AM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
Good Guy Albert
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Originally Posted by Salty23 View Post

Remember if you have nothing to trade or swap or buy/sell you are still welcome to come and hang out and just mingle and check out some corals.
And play badminton.

Oh yah, I'll be bringing a bunch of Vertex stuff in case anyone wants bargains on barely used and refurbished equipment

--- Will also be selling frags super cheap!

Edit: Paul's going to be handing out three $25 gift certificates to Oceanic Corals PLUS two frag packs as raffle prizes.

REMINDER: We will be doing prize draws hourly as opposed to end of the day (yes, we learned a thing or two from the last event lol).
This and that.

Last edited by albert_dao; 11-01-2014 at 02:54 AM.