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Old 10-29-2014, 07:29 PM
kamloops_reefer's Avatar
kamloops_reefer kamloops_reefer is offline
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Kamloops
Posts: 103
kamloops_reefer is on a distinguished road

I really haven't been catching much of a break on price or anything for the material I'm using, just the know where to get it. and also know how to do drafting to make a plan on how to put it all together.

I find these projects are best suited for those who can wait. I've been tinkering on this for a month now! and have had the LED's for almost a year, sitting in a box!

This will still cost $1,200 bucks, and some think that I would have been better of getting two radions or something, but theoretically, nothing will compete. Its kind of like hot rodding, Give me 30k to spend on a 10k used vehicle and I'll blow any production car that cost 100k out of the water.

I just have one of those personalities that cant justify spending that much money on those lights when I could do something similar, and at the day be more confident with the performance of the product (true or not).
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