First of all, your fears are based on the idea that bacteria and parasites develop resistance to medications in a similar manner. They don't. Bacteria multiply at an exponential rate, and are therefore much more likely to mutate in a short period of time than parasites, which have a life cycle on the scale of days, not minutes. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but it's not nearly the same as antibiotic resistance.
Second of all, anyone who reads the packaging will know to give it for 21 days. If your argument is that it shouldn't be sold because people can't read instructions, then we need to start pulling all kinds of crap off the market. I think it's just as likely that someone would misuse chloroquine phosphate in a hospital tank with NO INSTRUCTIONS other than what they found on google.
Thirdly, most of the people that you're worried about won't even buy the product when they see it costs three times as much as other food, and only a little less than a new fish.
No need for a soapbox, or fear mongering. It's just another option