Originally Posted by Skim
Well its interesting, I was just down looking at the tank and to give a small feeding, and you know on the lower part of the Gorgonian there is 2 polyps sticking out. I have not seen polyps on it for a long time and this was before I fed. I also noticed just more activity in general Hermits seem to be out and about and the Cleaner shrimp is out roaming not just sitting under rock ledge. Anyhow your right it may just be a fluke but that's what I have seen so far. I am going to do another water change and post if anything changes but definitely 2 polyps showed up on a coral I thought was toast.
All the best.
still though i wouldnt put any longterm hopes into that coral as mentioned it is NPS so unless your directly feeding it foods , and preferably live its only a matter of when.
when it comes to NPS gorgs just about anything can strike a feeding response including hands in the water , water changes , stirring sand, changing socks , feeding foods etc.
no salt on the market has what it needs in the way of nutrition