Originally Posted by WarDog
Sounds interesting... and a lot of work. Pictures or it didn't happen!
Your idea about cleaning the barrel seem solid. Rinse and repeat rinse.

it is interesting, hmmm, more the challenge, as it is not a case where everything is dying, it is not, but it is gust hanging in there, and I had to leave all nice things and fish in the old tank, leaving me with almost nothing, and did not get/buy new fish.
it should not be to much work to turn this tank towards the up hill, it is a mater of changing habit (and more simplify habit)
there are the 2 main things I have to work on, and from there build the tank to become more interesting
-make water changes something speedy, that last less than 2 minutes
- clean all electrical connections and pins from the tunze controller (this could be a messy, frustrating one)