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Old 10-24-2014, 02:45 AM
Skim Skim is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Brantford,ON.Canada
Posts: 43
Skim is on a distinguished road

WOW that may explain a few things that have happened to my tank. I was using Seachem Reef Salt and I was running low. I was at the reef shop one day picking up a few frags and asked about the salt, all he had was RC so I thought I would give it a try. Well I did a 20 gal change and everything seemed OK and did another in a weeks time. I then noticed one frag had a spot, skeleton showing, OH NO sure enough in 2 days 4 frags poof gone I ( they had be in the tank for awhile ) have also lost a Pipe Fish for no reason ( Pipe fish had be the tank for about 4 months ) was eating well getting along seemed to be happy. Went to sleep next day did not see him and have not since. I also noticed skimmer just was behaving the same and polyps not coming out. I noticed it the most on a Gorgonian that I had, was a beauty blue polyps. Then I did another water change may have been 2 weeks but I used the last bit of Seachem that I had and within minutes the polyps on the Gorgonian where like a giant rose bush bursting but within a few days they slowly became less and less. I thought OK must be trace elements so I picked up some Aquavitro Fuel, hope I spelled that right, but did not help much. Now all other measurements have be acceptable not perfect but within parameters but I have pretty much lost the Gorgonian and 2 to 3 more frags and I have not done a water change in a while just have not got to it, but things seem to have settled down as in no more loses, but I did decide that I was going to use another Salt and I picked up some Coral Life Salt and thought would give it a try but now that I have read this I think I may have to jump on this and see if anything changes. Wow this may explain quite a few things even that I have not listed just so it stays on the shorter side.
I will do a few water changes and post if notice anything worthy.

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