Thread: Help me decide
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Old 10-23-2014, 05:13 PM
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Skimmin Skimmin is offline
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Thats a really good point. I was considering trying two of the maxspect gyres or tunzes again. I've always ran vortechs or tunzes. With coast to coast i think i could mount the gyres or tunzes with the magnets inside the overflow. I really like the vortechs but I want this tank to be quiet as possible. No vortech 'whirring'. It's been a few years now so I'm not sure if the vortechs are quieter then they used to be. I've never had a closed loop but the holes in the bottom of the tank for it makes me kind of nervous. Also all the extra plumbing that could potentially leak. I'm not sure if that is a legitimate concern or not. I absolutely agree that I don't want any water movers/powerheads anywhere but on the back glass. I want totally unobstructed views from all three sides which would be great for a closed loop. I don't think im gonna close off the top of the tank. I might make a small 'shroud' on the rails for around the radions so theres no blinding light spillage from the sides or just below them.
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