I had a custom built by Gary Lou(not sure if thats how to spell his last name)about six years ago. It turned out great and the craftsmanship was bang on top notch. I was thinking I might go with him again. In regards to the dimensions... Here's the reason I'm considering these sizes. I have two gen 2 xr30w's and really don't want to drop another wad of cash on another one. Also with these being an older model I'm gonna be more inclined to sell these and buy three new ones. The other thing is in a 24" deep tank, anything above 60% I could scortch the flesh off softies. I have always had tanks with lots of coral and a few fish. This time I would like to go with more fish and a few choice coral to let grow in. I guess im trying to use some of what I have and not break the bank with this upgrade

I know... its not possible... by the time i add powerheads, skimmer, etc.............