Originally Posted by christyf5
How was the shell growth? I find that to be an excellent indicator of their overall health. I keep an eye on mine and adjust my various parameters accordingly. Sometimes clams can give you an indicator of whats going on, other times its just one day they appear happy, the next day dead. I'll never get them figured out, especially the expensive ones. Sorry to hear, unexplained deaths always suck 
Hard to say on shell growth Christy. I have not owned them that long.
Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo
I've given up on them for a while. I had a nice little collection of 5 clams ranging from 5 years to 2 years old that all died within a few months in 2010. Pyramidal snails... In 2011 once the snails disappeared I tried again, one after another over the course of a year I bought a squamosa (from a local's tank), derasa and Tahiti maxima. The derasa and the maxima died after about a year, and the squamosa lived for 3. I have not seen any of those snails since 2010... but something still isn't right. Meanwhile I've got other non-coral inverts (urchin, cucumber, abalone) that are pushing 7 years old. So I'm stumped.
I checked with a mag glass for snails. None that I could see. Everything else is fine. Ya Im stumped also. So far my last maxima looks fine and my two croceas also.