Thread: 120 in the Wall
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Old 10-21-2014, 04:04 AM
Wildechild_01 Wildechild_01 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 75
Wildechild_01 is on a distinguished road

Okay, it has been a while since i actually posted anything other than random questions as seen above. To be honest i haven't been super enthusiastic about the hobby the last while, life has been crazy and the tank kind of fell off as far as being able to maintain and grow. The last little bit I have been itching to take the tank to the next level, an actual tank upgrade is not an option at this point so looking more to tackle things like new scape, more corals, get rid of some corals that seem to be taking over??? The wanted to venture into the SPS a little more will probably require a lighting upgrade at some point too, but the cost of some of those lights out there is a little daunting but I'm sure there are some other options out there too. A few thoughts I'm working through right now are, figuring out what to do scape wise, and how to do it disturbing the corals as little as possible. More concerned with upsetting BTA's than corals, the corals can pretty much sit in a bucket while i re-scape. But what to add and how to do it with as little disruption to normal life in the tank.

All of the awesome tanks I see seem to run with suspended LED fixtures over an open top tank? Does this provide better light? Does evaporation become an issue with the open top? Does removing the glass help with light penetration? I would obviously need to lift the lights higher but then would get more "Spread" with them too???

As I move to more SPS, because that's what looks amazing and what people think when you say coral, im guessing i will need to start looking into dosing pumps and the like, what kind of investment am i looking at for that??? Will i have issues mixing the SPS with LPS because i love my Euphillia (sp?) corals?

And now I am rambling. Here are a few pics of what i am currently dealing with display wise, will get details on equipment and accesablilty soon.

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