Thanks Tony.
My wife is actually encouraging me to redo the saltwater tank, but like I said, if I can't properly intervene in an emergency, I don't want to do it.
The anenome was stuck in the powerhead for a few hours at least. I shut off the MP60 and let it be. It managed to crawl out and retreated to an upper dark corner of the tank, along with it's clownfish. It was brutal watching as the clownfish were able to swim in and out of the slits in the body of the anenome.
Still, the anemone has survived but the clownfish need to be kept away as I feed it. The clownfish will remove any food that the anemone tries to eat.
I found a 600g fw setup by a doctor over in India that looks to be successful:
I have a lot to learn about fw water circulation and lighting though. I have my 2 4' ATI hybrids that are probably overkill for fw. Maybe just changing the bulbs and reducing the intensity will work.
We will see.