Mike I appreciate your response, I am new and looking for advice. I am quite mechanically inclined and have no issues with figuring things out but I need a basis to go off of to do that. I cant pull flow rates out of mid air, I can only go on others advice. I have been told by many people that the rule of thumb is 10x your display tank for flow rate of your pump.....120gal x 10 = 1200gal/hr the Eheim is only rated for 900, which is why I was questioning it and looking for something that was rated better. I also dont want a pump that is noisy as this is going to sit in my livingroom, dont want one that gives off too much heat, want one that is relatively good on power, reliable and hopefully wont break the bank. I also like the idea of dc pumps but most people screamed stay away from them.
I understand what you are telling me and it makes sense, I agree the slower rate should give better results, btw I have a JNS U2 skimmer rated for approx 300gal but more realistically 200gal, should do a good job in my 120 + 30 or so in the sump.
As you can well imagine when you ask for advice online you have to sift through it and determine what is best for you, I have been trying to figure out what will work best for me and to be honest was very frustrated to find out that no one can seem the agree on what is best; 2 guys tell you that "X" product is great to have 5 more tell you its crap, or that said product didn't fit into what I wanted from the product. I was going to buy a mag 9.5 from my lfs but from reviews it is loud and creates alot of heat, and frankly I think his price is high at $185. I do try to support my lfs but I am not going to break my bank account to do it.
The other fish store in town actually doesnt do salt water, he is big into ponds and fresh water, and a good guy to deal with, I will buy some stuff from him (he is bringing in my Eheim for me) and I will buy stuff from the saltwater guy (stand, sump and misc so far).
Again, thanks for the input and advice, just wanted to explain why I was questioning the Eheim 1262.