Hi everyone,
It's time for me to re-build the reef. It's been running 13 years and it's time for rebuild.
I'm selling all my large Acro mother colonies, so I can shut the 150 gallon down and move my collection to the grow tank in the basement.
First up is 10" Purple Bonsai, it's 6 years old now. ($200)
Next, Red Planet Mille (8" across) ($140)
in the picture bellow it's in the center, it doesn't like my halides much.
Red Mille in the picture above is also for sale (6-8") ($100)
I also have lots of frags in the basement, Cali Tort, Bonsai, Purple Cross, Bali Triclor,...
I'll post more later.....
Thanks for looking.
150g SPS reef;3x250WHQI,Tunze Streams,Wavebox,Neptune Apex,fishroom in basement

,reefing since 93,SPS since 99.
TOTM June 2010