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Old 10-16-2014, 02:43 AM
Nate Nate is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Calgary
Posts: 323
Nate is on a distinguished road
Default Oase

Oase pumps are great quality. Used them in many ponds. Don't know about marine tanks. I've used them twice and only gotten 2-3 years out of them with fairly routine maintenance.

That being said, where are you not finding the compact series from eheim? I'm the distributor rep/aquatics purchaser for eheim with calgary as my sales area.
Most stores have them, everyone of them have access to them.

Personally I use the eheim 1262 wherever I can. The things are old workhorses. Go forever. SILent as a mouse...

Compact are great too but you can't beat 1262 reliability.

Hope that helps.
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