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Old 10-14-2014, 01:00 AM
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Galizio Galizio is offline
The Don
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Surrey
Posts: 244
Galizio is on a distinguished road

I agree with you guys, I'm against cut the arm off a lobster, I just did not agree wit the dog comparison, when I got the lobster at the time had only one arm, after a week molt and got both the arms back, that's when started to eat my small fishes... I did not know much about the lobster at the time read some positive comment and always trusted what the people at the fish store said, cause they dealing with this stuff on daily basis, then I realize that a lot of those people just want the money and don't care about anything else... When I tried to give back to the store is when I been told to cut the arm off, so I just traded for hermits.... Now the only store I trust the most is jl in bby , and before I add something on my tank I do my research....
The lobster is a great looking addition tough, is shy IMO ...
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