I'm curious how you have come to the conclusion that the cyano in our tank is likely Oscillatoria? Is that your own ID from your microscope or are you reading this in your research?
Originally Posted by asylumdown
Take an organism adapted to surviving in an environment where some critical nutrient is limited and provide that nutrient in excess, you get steroid-like growth.
I see your point, and I understand your observations. I don't think your theory of steroid growth is always true though. I could think of a million examples, but the simplest one I can think of off the top of my head is sunlight for photosynthesis. Too much light can actually cause photoinhibition. So too much of a good thing isn't always better.
I think the ideas are interesting, but I also think there is more to it. I don't think it is as simple as adding iron via GFO. There are too many instances in my mind where cyanobacteria have popped up and it would be tough to blame it on iron. It makes me think about what the cause may be in those instances. Since cyanobacteria are such amazing critters I imagine there are many situations that could cause the growth. I'm also sure I've seen at least a dozen different species of cyanobacteria in saltwater systems.
I like this discussion though. It is discussions like these that get us thinking in new ways and solve old problems with new ideas.