Originally Posted by kien
If i recall correctly, the consensus was: Yes, you can run a successful skimmerless SPS tank, so long as you remove/export nutrients yourself. This can be achieved by one or all of the following techniques:
1. Perform a 50% water change once a day.
2. reduce (or stop) feeding your fish.
3. Remove some (mostly all) of your fish.
The equation for success is simple: S = NO > NI
S = Success
NO = Nutrients Out
NI = Nutrients In
My opinion on your techniques, which BTW I agree with!
1. Too much work, you want to enjoy not be a slave.
2. reduce= maybe (stop feeding) not in my tank!
3. why bother reefing you might as well shut down!
Your equation to me = get yourself a good skimmer and enjoy the hobby or stop reefing and collect stamps instead.