Welcome aboard.
In this hobby it pays to take your time don't Rush and more importantly if your not sure ask here on the forum we have many members with years of experience and will try not to steer you wrong
It took me 5 months to get everything I needed for my big tank I lucked out in many respects though as I was able to get several items second hand and did some basic DIY to save money here and there. Three things that I suggest not skimping on these are my suggestions only so others may vary
1) Power bar with built in timers for your lights average cost $60-100
2) lights regardless of what you get expect to pay a pretty penny cost range in between $400-3000
3) Skimmer if and when you decide to get one after lights generally the second biggest investment $200-2000
You may also luck out and find stuff second hand or gifted to you by another reefer remember take your time and by all means ask we will help
 My aquarium is nothing but a smorgasbord for my cats.....