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Old 09-20-2014, 12:11 AM
Coral Hoarder Coral Hoarder is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: burnaby
Posts: 373
Coral Hoarder is on a distinguished road
Default my first sps tank

i have a 30 or 33 gal im going to set up as sps no sump due to limited space

list of stuff on it as of now
led 50 watt pendants
hob filter with sponges
hydor koralya 1200 galons per hour
cuc crew

list of stuff i need befor i am going to add sps
6 baulb hamilton t5 fixture orderd but have to wate 3 weeks
jebo wp 25
and some thing to suport my fuge as i dont want to risk filling it on the tank

curently the tank looks crappy but il be fixing things with time and as mony becomes avalable

il probly be dosing manualy but il figure that out after i get the inportant stuff ie lighting filtration flow tackled

befor rescape after rescape

some acros and a digi im holding in my other tank
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