Thread: Greg's 75g
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Old 09-18-2014, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Slyguy00 View Post
A 3 day blackout would take care of your hair algae problem. Personally ill be using that method anytime i have a major algae outbreak. Works great
I did a 3-day this last weekend
It helped some, but no eradication
It temporarily shut down the cyano and diatoms, and weakened the GHA enough for me to clean a lot of it up

Tonight I added a Sea Hare and the little bunny/cow is going nuts scouring the algae away right down to the LR

I still have a lot of work to do to clean things up and keep it clean, plus I still have no idea where this outbreak came from in the first place ...

I'm gonna blame the maintenance guy for not basting the rocks enough , and allowing the sand to get a bit 'layered'

I'm pretty sure it's not my bioload or feeding habits, but have cut the feedings down a bit in the meantime to allow me a reprieve
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