Holee, sucks to be you right now
But you don't have my issues, so we're even
Why shrimps ... ? For what purpose I mean ... ?
So you're leaning towards plan A for now ?
I'd go either;
Plan B with a Yellow Coris and/or Melanurus or ...
Plan C as you mentioned something about a Mandarin ?
I have both wrasses, plus a Scooter and Hector's
The Hector's is doing fine (over a year all fish together), but the Scooter is looking a tad thin right now
I don't know if he'll make it, but the wifey won't let me sell him, so I'm trying my best to fatten him back up
So, my point is, if you already have your mind set on a Mandarin, go with plan C and turf those AEFWs now in whatever cruel way you deem fitting
And BTW, I'm baaack
I went straight from XPPro to a shiny new 8.1 system. So I can now play on the web again