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Old 09-17-2014, 02:05 AM
SoloSK71 SoloSK71 is offline
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Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
I'm not even sure what to be testing for, or if there's anything I could test for.
Hardware stores used to sell a product called SenSafe Water Metals Test Strips, they did a lot of the ones that you would be worrying about. Thing is, you already know you have a problem. Water changes will get some of it but anything living in there will have taken some of it up and will release it over time. You could use a metal absorbing/adsorbing product and leave it in there. You can test for silica levels and see if they are insanely high.

Best bet for short term is a couple of 50% or larger water changes over a few days.

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