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Old 09-08-2014, 03:49 AM
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chewie chewie is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 51
chewie is on a distinguished road
Default FS 50g Acrylic Hexagon Tank/Stand package $300 (Fraser Valley)

Tank is 2' tall, each side is 14". Just finished buffing out scratches. Has built in internal over flow with water return line (plumbing included)
Stand is 37" tall, has double front doors for easy access to sump / equipment.
Can paint stand colour of your choice.
Sump is a TruVu 15g.
Return pump and heater
Choice of either an in sump OR a hang on Aqua C remora protein skimmer (both rated for 100g)
Coralife 2 x t5 light fixture. (needs new bulbs)
Or for $140 more can get you a brand new full spectrum dimmable 144w led fixture. Great for all corals.

Can also throw in a few pieces of base rock and once tank is up and running for 6 months can hook you up with some corals.

Asking $300 OBO

If you ask nice I may be able to help move or even deliver it for you.
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